Articles tagged with: Peru
Two hundred years of hopes

Since the independence of Peru in 1821 the country has experienced bursts of optimism and long periods of disappointments.
The coast and its long desert

The Peruvian west coast bordering the Pacific Ocean is a long desert strip that stretches from the departments of Tumbes in the north bordering Ecuador, to Tacna in the south …
Peru’s Amazon Jungle and Rainforest

The Peruvian rainforest
More than three quarters of the Peruvian territory lies east of the . The jungle or Selva has two parts, the high and the low Selva. The high …
Amazon River Ecosystem and Biodiversity

The Amazon River is the greatest river of South America and its biodiversity the richest of any river in the world. Its waters are populated by 2,500 different species of fish, scientists believe that there are many more that have not been identified yet. Mammals, amphibians and water snakes also call the Amazon River home. The river has been a source of protein for the local population for thousands of years and a source of fresh water.
Saving Peru’s Ecosystems and Biodiversity

It is important for the world and for the enjoyment of future generations to preserve Peru’s ecosystems and biodiversity. Peru has a wide range of ecosystems because of its great …
Peru’s protected areas

In its effort to guard its natural resources the government has created a national system to protect natural areas in order to contribute to the sustainable development of the country. …
Discovering Peru and the Inca Civilization
Peru is the third largest country in South America after Brazil and Argentina. It shares its border with Ecuador and Colombia on the north, on the east with Brazil, on …
Early Horizon-Chavin, Paracas and Lima Cultures

Early Horizon – 800 – 200 BCE
Chavin: Great Astronomers
More than 3000 years ago an important civilization took place in Chavin de Huantar, southeast of the . It stretched through the …
Early Intermediate Period-Nazca and Moche Cultures

Cultures thriving in this period date from approximately 200BCE to 600CE. Significant technological development took place in metalworking, pottery and irrigation systems. The two largest and most important cultures in …