Articles tagged with: caral
Sacred City of Caral-Supe

The Sacred City of Caral or Caral-Supe is the capital of the Norte Chico Civilization of Supe located in the Supe Valley, 200 km (124 miles) north of Lima. The …
Peru’s UNESCO Heritage Sites

The following is a list of Peru’s UNESCO Heritage Sites:
Historic Sanctuary of Machu Picchu
Historic Center of Lima
City of Cuzco
Chan Chan Archaeological Zone
Chavin Archaeological Site
Historic Center of the City of Arequipa
Lines and Geogliphs of Nasca and Pampas de Jumales
QhapaqÑan Andean Road System
Sacred City of Caral-Supe
Huascaran National Park
Manu National Park
Rio Abiseo National Park
Pre-Ceramic and Initial Periods-Norte Chico and Kotosh Cultures

Long before existed people thrived in this territory. About 16,000 years ago groups of people are believed to have crossed the Bering Strait from Asia and survived as nomads, …